Main Sponsors

17th - 19th November 2023Congress Center DoubleTree by Hilton
Dear Colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,
I would like to invite you to the XXXI International Congress of Small Animal Veterinary Medicine PSLWMZ. The Congress will be held on November 17th - 19th 2023. Customarily, the place of the Congress will be the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Congress Center in Łódź at 29 Łąkowa Street.
This year's Congress is set to begin on Friday, November 17th with a Pre-congress Day, during which practical workshops on ultrasound, ophthalmology, dentistry, reproduction, surgery, ear diseases and specialist seminars on osteoarthritis, the effective use of the „XP Clinic”, HappyVetProject and Management program will be held. After workshops and seminars we would like to invite you to Opening Ceremony. At 7.00 p.m. there will be a General Assembly to which we invite all members of the Polish Small Animal Veterinary Association.
On Saturday, November 18th, at 7.30 a.m., together with our Main Partner - Hill's Pet Nutrition, we invite all parties interested to join us in the "scientific breakfast". At 7.00 a.m. will be masterclass – dentistry, dermatology and „XP Clinic”.
After the morning warm-up, we would like to invite you to our lecture sessions. This year we have prepared five parallel sessions for Saturday, four for veterinarians and one for associate professionals.
After a hard and long day of learning, we invite everyone to join us at a charming banquet with delicious cuisine, music and dancing.
On Sunday, November 19th, the third and final day of the Congress, we have planned six parallel lecture sessions, five for veterinarians and one for associate professionals.
In order to fill such an extensive program with the highest quality content, we invited outstanding specialists from Poland and abroad to the Congress - dr Svetlana Belova (Estonia), prof. Janoš Butinar (Slovenia), dr Ignacio Calvo (Spain), dr Jan Declercq (Belgium), dr Miguel Ángel Díaz Sánchez (Spain), dr Lara Fossati (Australia), dr Susan Little (Canada), dr William D. Saxon (USA,) prof. Tobias Schwarz (Scotland), dr Regina Wagner (Austria), prof. Tadeusz Frymus, prof. Marek Galanty, prof. Roman Kołacz, prof. Roman Lechowski, prof. Jacek Madany, prof. Wojciech Niżański, prof. Jarosław Popiel, prof. Andrzej Rychlik, prof. Michał Jank, prof. Marcin Wrzosek, dr Jarosław Balcerzak, dr Ewa Chronowska, dr Anna Cisło-Sankowska, dr Michał Dubiel, dr Jerzy Gawor, dr Maciej Guzera, dr Mateusz Hebel, dr Wojciech Hildebrand, dr Katarzyna Jodkowska, dr Ewa Kaczmar, dr Paweł Kalinowski, dr Emilia Klim, dr Krzysztof Klimas, dr Magdalena Kraińska, dr Jagna Kudła, dr Jacek Mederski, mgr inż. Andrzej Miechowicz, mgr Katarzyna Miller, dr Katarzyna Mróz, dr Rafał Niziołek, dr Lidia Nosal, dr Tomasz Pieknik, dr Dorota Pomorska-Handwerker, dr Przemysław Prządka, dr Klaudiusz Szczepaniak, dr Piotr Skrzypczak, dr Jacek Szulc, dr Katarzyna Szulc, dr Grzegorz Wąsiatycz, dr Krzysztof Zdeb, dr Daria Ziemann.
The program includes lectures in the field of surgery, osteoarthritis, dentistry, internal medicine, radiology, reproduction, infectious diseases, dermatology, parasitic diseases, neurology, gastroenterology, ophthalmology, cardiology, oncology and nephrology, conducted by leaders in these fields. There will be a wide range of exciting activities to choose from. As in previous years, during the Congress in addition to lectures we offer contact with many companies that will be presenting the latest achievements in the field of pharmacy and small animal nutrition as well as equipment necessary to conduct veterinary practice.
On behalf of the Board of the PSLWMZ and our Main Partner Hill's, I cordially invite you all to Łódź.
Yours sincerely,
Prof. Wojciech NiżańskiiDoubleTree by Hilton Łódź is a hotel in the city centre, 1 km from ul. Piotrkowska, one of Europe's longest shopping streets, and has a panoramic view of the nearby Jan Poniatowski park, the perfect spot for a walk or a morning jog. The park also offers tennis courts. The hotel was founded in a place of historical significance for Łódź, on the site of the former Wytwórnia Filmów Fabularnych film studio, and its enchanting modern interiors take their inspiration from cinema.
The hotel is only 6 km from Władysław Reymont Airport (LCJ) and 1 km from Łódź Kaliska railway station, the hotel is easily accessible thanks to its location by the East-West and North-South routes. DoubleTree by Hilton is located in close proximity to the Atlas Arena, where dozens of concerts and sporting events are held each year.
From DoubleTree by Hilton it is also no problem to reach the main business centres in Łódź, such as the Międzynarodowe Targi Łódzkie (MTŁ) international trade fair centre, or the Łódź Special Econmic Zone (Łódzka Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna, ŁSSE).
Address: ul. Łąkowa 29, 90-554 Łódź
Room Reservation – please contact with DoubleTree by Hilton For Congress participants is 15% discount on accommodation from the price of the day – password „Congress PSLWMZ”.
Hotels which are located the closest to the Congress site are:
Due to the fact, that our Congress is located in the centre of Lodz, you would not have any problems with room booking in the other hotels. We advise you using Internet portals for hotel bookings.
There is a limitation in parking spots near hotels in Lodz, so we strongly recommend you using public transport.